About Us


Introducing the Global Children’s Climate Summit We are working with children in over 55 Countries to Strenthen Climate Action

Today’s children and future generations will bear a disproportionate share of the burden of climate change, which will affect their well-being through many direct, indirect, and societal pathways. The climate crisis is fundamentally and irreversibly reshaping our world, with serious consequences for current and future generations of children’s rights. This impact will disproportionately affect girls, children from low and middle-income countries, children with disabilities, refugee and internally displaced children, separated and unaccompanied children, and children in conflict settings, among others. They bear the brunt of the losses and damage caused by climate change to education, health and human capital, land, cultural heritage, indigenous and local knowledge, and biodiversity

Children are disproportionately affected by changes in their environments due to their unique metabolism, physiology, and developmental needs. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that children are not likely to be adequately represented at the upcoming COP28 as most delegates will be adults and some youth.

In light of this awakening reality, the Global Children’s Climate Summit (GCCS) is an idea, a journey but most crucially we’re developing a global movement of children that will seek the knowledge and use that knowledge to act to contribute to co-creating a climate adaptable, resilient and mitigated world f or us all, through advocacy and many other initiatives that children our peers are designing or have designed or is been implemented.

No Pollution
Clean water
Good health
Animal Habitat

GCCS Specific Objectives !!


Children all over Africa are for Climate Action !